One of the most beautiful monologues (and our first look into Randall’s life) is when Randall has located his biological father and goes to see him. After he knocks on the door he tells his father:
My name is Randall Pearson. I’m your biological son. I’m 36 years old. Thirty-six years ago you left me at the door of the fire station. Don’t worry, I’m not here because I want anything from you. Because I was raised by two incredible parents and have a wonderful family of my own. The car you see parked out in front of your house cost $143,000 and I bought it for cash. I Bought it for cash because I felt like it and because I can do stuff like that. You see, I’ve turned out pretty alright, which might surprise a lot of folks considering the fact that thirty-six years ago my life started with you leaving me on a fire station doorstep with nothing more than a ratty blanket and a crap filled diaper. I came here today so I can look you in the eye, say that to you, and then get back in my fancy car and prove to myself and to you and to my family who loves me that I didn’t need anything from you even after I knew you were.” In that moment, the audience believes that Randall can handle everything on his own. It is his self-sufficiency that is enough for him to live his life apart from his father. His father replies, “you want to come in?” Randall quickly says okay. It is easy to put a wall up when someone has wronged us. If anyone had an excuse to harbor unforgiveness, it’s Randall. Yet he tears down that wall in order to enjoy the last few moments he has with his father. The Bible is clear: if we don’t forgive others, God won’t forgive you. Sometimes it is easier said than done but it is possible. No matter what has happened to you, it is possible to get past that pain, forgive those wrongdoers and walk in freedom. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? It is, and you can do it.
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