They say that it doesn’t matter how you have a relationship with God, but just that you do. But over time, we can get a little lost in everyday life and need to take a moment to step back and refresh our relationship with God. It doesn’t matter if you have been away from your religion for a while or if you just want to strengthen your bond with him. Here are some ways that you can solidify and strengthen your bond with the Almighty. PrayWhen was the last time you prayed? Now when was the last time you spoke to God? All of our relationships rely on communication to happen. And each time we talk, we can strengthen our bonds. The same goes for your relationship with God. What makes praying incredible is that you can do it while you wash the dishes, you can do it in church, and you can join in with The House of Prayer - whatever moves you is the right option for you. Start and end every day by praying to God, or at the very least communicating through the day as you run errands and more. Keep those lines of communication open, and you will have a direct line and a strong bond for life. Bible Think of the Bible as the one-stop shop for everything you need when you need it. The Bible is available to us everywhere and in many different forms, but it is the one place where you can always find God. Pocket bibles offer a great sense of support on the go, while a larger, more comprehensive bible is ideal for at home. Consider how much of our time we take to read emails from work and letters from bill collectors - and how little time we might spend on something that we have been given as a guide and a light. The Bible is often described as a love letter to those who would read it directly from God. While reading it from cover to cover could be considered a task worth attempting, for many, a few pages each evening or each week is enough to keep us enlightened and further understand our role on the planet and God's wishes for us. Serving To serve others is to serve God. While it is your relationship that you are focusing on, the relationship between all humans, you, and God also matters. God asks us to commend and serve him and others. Putting the emphasis on others here - where can you do good? Where can you make a difference in the lives of others that is impactful for them? Go into serving, volunteering, or giving with the idea that it is not for thanks. Instead, it is for you to give thanks for all that you have. Putting good back out into the world comes in many forms. You may work in soup kitchens; you might offer support in many areas of life. The stronger your bond is with God, the more that you will see you have a lot of love and kindness to give to others - and you will soon see where those efforts should be put too. Putting God in your everyday life will keep him close; here are some reasons why it is worth your time: Why Dedicate Your Time to Faith.
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