God calls us to a much larger mission than to come together on a Sunday service as individuals just to get a spiritual filling. As His people, we glorify Him when we use our gifts in a tangible way to serve the people in our churches and then as a collective body meet the needs of our communities. We connect when we serve each other. The ways that we connect others to a community not only to meet their need for intimacy but also empower them to connect to others are the ripple effect we create. One person investing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually into others in the hopes they will then pay it forward. That’s how Jesus ministered to His disciples and that’s how fruit is produced. Not just any fruit, but good fruit, the fruit that lasts. Christians need to ask themselves, “What’s my story?” What experiences, circumstances or situations has God put me through that I can learn from and in turn edify the people God puts in my path? Your stories are not just random coincidences; they are opportunities to glorify God and bring the good news to a dying world. To participate in other people’s stories is to embrace God’s greater mission, the one he writes for each of His children as they seek to know him and transform into his image. As church members embrace and understand the bigger mission of their role in the church body, they can help lead and guide everyone into a healthy discipleship relationship, each giving of themselves to achieve the desired result: spiritual growth.
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