Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.- Ephesians 5:15-17
As we all know, Kate has struggled with her weight her entire life. From girls writing her letters saying “you embarrass us” at the community pool to people looking at her with snickers and jeers, weight has always been at the forefront of her mind. Grappling with making a life altering decision and getting bypass surgery, she boards a plane to meet her family for the holidays and a bout with turbulence makes her reevaluate her priorities. With a new lease on life, she decides to get the surgery. Kevin also lets life pass him by. Taking meaningless job as the Manny, he wastes years in a fluff TV show to build his acting credentials and give his fan base a few laughs. Additionally, he chases after all the wrong things that he things will make him happy but in fact does not—meaningless relationships, money and possessions that the thinks will satisfy but in the end leave him empty. He too watches his life pass him by as he could work to reconcile his relationship with his ex- wife Sophie, but chooses not to until twelve years after the relationship has cooled. With the day-to-day demands of life it is easy to let life pass you by. Perhaps you believe your dreams are too far out of your reach to strive to achieve. Maybe you have relationships in your life where they have left more tension than you desire. Whatever it may be, there is always another day. As long as you have breath left in your lungs, you always have a chance to make a change in your life. What one thing can you do to make a change in your life and help you make the most of every opportunity God presents to you?
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